Account Administration
All portfolios are managed on a non-discretionary basis. The client has the final discretion over how their portfolio is invested. After reviewing your proposed portfolio with you, an account in your name is set up at Charles Schwab Advisor Services. We monitor your portfolio continually, making adjustments as needed. All proposed changes in your portfolio are reviewed with you and their tax consequences are discussed before the trades are implemented.
Every month you will receive from Charles Schwab a single, consolidated monthly statement that summarizes all your positions and transactions. You can also follow your account on You will also receive by mail or e-mail, confirmation of all trades in your account. Charles Schwab will also provide yearly summary year-end tax statements. Several time a year, we will send you a market update and a report on the performance of your account.
Management fees are billed quarterly and are based on the market value of your account. These fees are charged quarterly and can be deducted from your account.
It is important to point out that Gaur Asset Management is completely independent of Charles Schwab Advisor Services. We do not receive any compensation from Charles Schwab or any other fund family. This non-commission based relationship with Charles Schwab allows us to remain objective and not be obligated to buy any Charles Schwab products and mutual funds.
Many of our clients also have 403b accounts at TIAA-CREF. Gaur Asset Management is registered with TIAA-CREF Advisor Services and can also manage these accounts.
We also advise clients on their company sponsored 401K plans.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I trust you with my money? Your account is kept at TD Ameritrade. It is in your name and always under your control. We never have access to your money; we are merely authorized to place trades in your account.
How can I get my money if I need it? Just contact us – funds may be wired to your bank account immediately or a check may be mailed to you before the end of the day. For many clients we have set up a monthly withdrawal service. However, please remember these are investment accounts and not bank accounts. You should not make frequent withdrawals because it does interfere with our ability to match your account to a model portfolio.
My broker makes money every time he tells me to buy or sell. Do you? No! The only fee we earn is the quarterly management fee. We are always motivated to increase the net worth of your portfolio since our fee is a fraction of your assets. Therefore, unlike stockbrokers, we have no conflict of interest.
Do you charge a “load” in addition to management fees? Never. We do use a mix of no-load and load funds. Because of our large relationship with TD Ameritrade, are able to buy “load” funds without a load for our clients.
Can I get lower management fee for several accounts? If the accounts are under one family or one person's control we base our management fee on the total amount the client has under management.
Can your services be used to manage pensions, Keoghs and IRA's? Yes. We can manage just about any type of account.